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Foliated Texture | |
The mineral constituents of foliated metamorphic rocks are oriented in a parallel or suhparallel arrangement. Foliated metamorphic rocks are generally associated with regional metamorphism. Four kinds of foliated textures arc recognized. In order of increasing metamorphic grade, these are slaty, phyllitic, schistose and gneissic.
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Nonfoliated Texture | |
Metamorphic rocks with no visible preferred orientation of mineral grains have a nonfoliated texture. Nonfoliated rocks commonly contain equidimensional grains of a single mineral such as quartz, calcite, or dolomite. Examples of such rocks are quartzite , formed from a quartz sandstone, and marble , formed from a limestone or dolomite. Conglomerate that has been metamorphosed may retain the original textural characteristics of the parent rock, including the outlines and colors of the larger grain sizes such as granules and pebbles. However, because metamorphism has caused recrystalliza tion of the matrix, the metamorphosed conglomerate is called metaconglomerate. In some cases, the metamorphism has deformed the shape of the gran ules or pebbles; in this case the rock is called a stretched pebble conglomerate. Quartzite and metamorphosed conglomerate can be distinguished from their sedimentary equivalents by the fact that they break across the quartz grains, not around them. Marble has a crystalline appearance and generally has larger mineral grains than its sedimentary equivalent. Examples of Nonfoliated Texture
A fine-grained (dense-textured), nonfoliated rock usually of contact metamorphic origin is horniels. Hornfels has a nondescript appearance because it is usually some medium to dark shade of gray, is lacking in any structural characteristics, and contains few if any recog nizable minerals in hand specimen.The metamorphic equivalent of bituminous coal is anthracite coal. |
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