Putting it all together

With all of the rules you have learned so far you should be able to interpret the sequence of events of some geologic sections. We will go through one together and then you can practice on your own. I'll start you off with a fairly difficult one so if you follow that you'll be able to do any of the other ones. Study the following diagram and follow my interpretation below.


Block diagram 1

Block diagram 2

Block diagram 3
(Hint: Note the shaded region in Unit B right at the contact between B and D.  That is contact metamorphism which occurred as Unit D, which was a magma, was emplaced into Unit B and "cooked" the rocks of Unit B right next to the contact.  Also note how this contact metamorphism is not present in Unit A just above Unit D.)

Block diagram 4
(Hint: Note the thin shaded region surrounding Unit A in the rocks adjacent to Unit A.  That is contact metamorphism which occurred in the surrounding rocks as Unit A, which was a magma, was emplaced into the surrounding rocks (just like in Block diagram 3.  Again, note how this contact metamorphism is missing where A is in contact with Unit N.)


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